
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Adding Sand to Hours and Words to Minutes

So I have received multiple comments on the amount of books and time I spend reading. I am beginning to think I definitely spend an unusual amount of time reading.  I recently came across a report online from the US Department of Labor stating survey results from 2010.  It states the average person spends:
"Time spent reading for personal interest and playing games or using a
     computer for leisure varied greatly by age. Individuals age 75 and over
     averaged 1.1 hours of reading per weekend day and 18 minutes playing
     games or using a computer for leisure. Conversely, individuals ages 15
     to 19 read for an average of 6 minutes per weekend day while spending
     1.1 hours playing games or using a computer for leisure."

Really? Only 1.1 hours each WeekEND Day reading for those 75 or older and 6 minutes for teens?! I didn't see anywhere in the survey it mentioning ages between.

Another fantastic article I found compares the amount and time spent reading between 2002 and past years. It is truly amazing how much less time people spend reading now than they use to, if you read this article it almost seems as though reading is a dying leisure activity. 

I guess I do spend a lot more time than the average person reading! Due to my work environment and the use of Nook for PC I can spend anywhere between 2 and 6 sometimes 8 hours reading each and every day! I tend not to read as much during the weekend because it is the only time I see my husband, but I think I more than make up for it during the week ;)

If only I could add more sand to my hours!

So how about you? How much time do you spend reading each day or week?

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