
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poetry Pause: Ode to Autumn by John Keats

Its about time I start working in the poetry section of my own 2011 Reading Challenge.  I had planned on posting the poems for you to join me in reflecting on them; however, I am not entirely certain on the copyright laws regarding some of the poets we will read.  So to be on the safe side I decided to try to link you to the poem I will be reading.

Another option, if you are looking to purchase a book of poetry, I suggest Half Hours with the Best Poets (Barnes & Noble or Amazon)
This is a fantastic collection of poems, nearly all of my top poems are in this one book!

So anyway on to our first poem . . .

Title links to poem

This is a wonderful autumn poem. I have seen a lot of people compare it to later years in the human life, but I definitely like it just for the season.  The first section brings me back to the years growing up when we had a garden. As the summer came to an end the garden was bursting with produce, granted during the harvesting I would eat almost as much as I would pick (especially of the carrots and sweet peas).  As the poem continues into the second section it seems to move into the time after the harvesting finishing and the food is stored.  There is a little lull in the activity and things to do that brings about a little bit of laziness. We have a little time to enjoy the last few warm days and can take a little time to remember these calm moments to take us through winter into spring.  The third and final section talks about the end of the day and brings to mind the ending of the season. The frantic activity of bugs and birds preparing for the winter.  The unique sunsets that seem to have colors we only see in fall.  As a whole it actually makes me look forward to the fall, though it normally isn't my favorite season.


  1. I love Fall and I'm not one for poetry. Mainly because I can't see the hidden symbolism. I just read them for what they are, so if they're nonsense that doesn't make sense unless you look at some deeper meaning I just don't get them.

  2. I understand entirely! I use to love poetry, and could pick out hidden meanings easily but I find it more difficult now, maybe its because of how everything is described and illustrated so fully in the books I read. I have a feeling that I am definitely going to miss a lot of meanings while tackling my poetry challenge.
