
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Review of What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

Synopsis: "In the past two years, Mclean Sweet has moved four times. At each stop, she assumes a new persona, but it never quite works. Whether she's an effervescent cheerleader or an intense drama queen, nothing can permanently dispel the turmoil and rage at her mother since her parents' divorce."

My Review: This was a good book, I like how Mclean was trying to reinvent herself only to actually discover her true self. I loved when she figured out that she wasn't picking her friends like she had in other towns but her friends just seemed to find her. One of my favorite lines from the book was "Everyone is Something" it has such meaning and is great advise to keep in mind. This was a very emotional journey that Sarah Dessen kept light with witty banter and a few comical moments.
My Rating: I really enjoyed this book, though it may have been more enjoyable if I was in fact a young adult. What Happened to Goodbye gets a rating of Three Paws.


  1. Well, as you probably know I'm not a fan of Dessen, though, she does have some good morals to her stories. I don't know why I read soooo much YA. I rarely relate mostly because of age, but also because I was never like that as a teenager!

  2. I love that line: "Everyone is something". It reminds me of one of my favorite Mr. Rogers quotes. ^_^

  3. @Jenny - I can understand why you don't enjoy Dessen. Its surprising that you love YA so much even though you can't relate. I was lucky myself and had a great many years of growing up, just your typical teenager without a whole lot of drama or issues.

    @ Jessica - Haha Mr. Rogers! It does sound like something he would say doesn't it! So many lessons learned from the man in the sweater that hangs out with puppets LOL!
