
Friday, June 17, 2011

Follow Friday #5 & In My Mailbox #9

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers -
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. LINKY TOOLS IS BACK! I paid for the subscription - finally so now you can add the links to your own post!!! To add the code to your own post click on GET THE CODE here under the list of names.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  7. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog! 

Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?

Gosh! That's a tough one since I read so many different genres, but possibly the one I find myself in the most is Fantasy.  The love of fantasy books started a long time ago, maybe with the Serendipity books or possibly Tamora Pierce's Alanna series or even Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy. That love of fantasy continues to grow into a love of Fantasy Romance with the Summonings Series by Robin D. Owens and so many others.

So how about you? What is your favorite genre and that special book that made you love it?


   In My Mailbox is a weekly event hosted by The Story Siren that I have decided to participate in.

How IMM works:
Make your own IMM post! You can post about books you've bought, gotten from the library, received for review... books don't have to arrive via your mailbox. 
I post every week, but you don’t have to. You can do one week out of the month or every other week it’s up to you. 
You don't have to call your post In My Mailbox... (some people don't even have mailboxes!)
I post my IMM on Sunday, but choose a day of the week that works for you.
Once you have your IMM posted, come back to The Story Siren on Sunday and add your link to the list. 
Try to post a comment on other bloggers IMM posts. I don’t expect you to post a comment on every single one, but pick a few!

All book bloggers are welcome, while I’d like to keep the theme to YA literature it’s NOT a requirement.

There is no right or wrong way to do In My Mailbox, you can vlog, you can take fun picture, you can use the books cover art, it’s up to you!

Most importantly HAVE FUN!

Another somewhat small  week for me, nothing in the actual mailbox but I did download some more on my Nook:

Synopsis from Goodreads: "In the past two years, Mclean Sweet has moved four times. At each stop, she assumes a new persona, but it never quite works. Whether she's an effervescent cheerleader or an intense drama queen, nothing can permanently dispel the turmoil and rage at her mother since her parents' divorce."   - Review posted earlier this week

Synopsis from Goodreads: "Nature is out of balance in the human world. The sun hasn't shone in years, and crops are failing. Worse yet, strange and hostile creatures have begun to appear. The people's survival hangs in the balance.  
To solve the crisis, the oracle stones are cast, and Kaede and Taisin, two seventeen-year-old girls, are picked to go on a dangerous and unheard-of journey to Tanlili, the city of the Fairy Queen. Taisin is a sage, thrumming with magic, and Kaede is of the earth, without a speck of the otherworldly. And yet the two girls' destinies are drawn together during the mission. As members of their party succumb to unearthly attacks and fairy tricks, the two come to rely on each other and even begin to fall in love. But the Kingdom needs only one huntress to save it, and what it takes could tear Kaede and Taisin apart forever."    - Review to be posted shortly!!

Synopsis from Goodreads: "Forget everything you ever knew about unicorns... Real unicorns are venomous, man-eating monsters with huge fangs and razor-sharp horns. Fortunately, they've been extinct for a hundred and fifty years.
Or not.
Astrid had always scoffed at her eccentric mother's stories about killer unicorns. But when one of the monsters attacks her boyfriend—thereby ruining any chance of him taking her to the prom—Astrid finds herself headed to Rome to train as a unicorn hunter at the ancient cloisters the hunters have used for centuries.

However, at the cloisters all is not what it seems. Outside, the unicorns wait to attack. And within, Astrid faces other, unexpected threats: from the crumbling, bone-covered walls that vibrate with a terrible power to the hidden agendas of her fellow hunters to—perhaps most dangerously of all—her growing attraction to a handsome art student ... an attraction that could jeopardize everything."  - Currently reading and LOVING!

Synopsis from Goodreads: "Astrid Llewelyn is now a fully trained unicorn hunter, but she can't solve all her problems with just a bow and arrow. Her boyfriend, Giovanni, has decided to leave Rome, the Cloisters is in dire financial straits, her best friend's powers seem to be mysteriously disintegrating, and Astrid can't help but feel that school, home, and her hopes of becoming a scientist are nothing but impossible dreams.

So when she's given the opportunity to leave the Cloisters and put her skills to use as part of a scientific quest to discover the Remedy, Astrid leaps at the chance. Finally, she can have exactly what she want--or can she? At Gordian headquarters, deep in the French countryside, Astrid begins to question everything she thought she believed: her love for Giovanni, her loyalty to the Cloisters, and most of all her duty as a hunter. Should Astrid be saving the world from killer unicorns, or saving the unicorns from the world?"

Synopsis from Goodreads: "In 18th century France, a noble family prepares to celebrate their daughter’s arranged marriage by holding a traditional unicorn hunt. But when an unusual nun arrives at the chateau with her beloved pet to help the rich girl train, nothing goes as expected. Starring hunters, fine ladies, fancy frocks, and killer unicorns."

So what books did you get this week?!


  1. Wow, you have so many amazing books this week! I love the Rampant books, though I had no idea there was a third-- Errant. Can't wait to get my hands on it now! :) Huntress is amazing as well.

    Fantasy is my first love as well-- the Abhorsen Trilogy are still some of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by my hop, and I'm following you now!

  2. I have Rampant on my shelf but have yet to read it! I need to get on that because it sounds like it's amazing. And I have yet to read anything by Sarah Dessen,(I know! I think I'm the only one) but I really want to read What Happened to Goodbye.

    I'm with you on the Fantasy, I really loved Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy (It will always hold a special place in my heart) and I haven't read the Alanna series but one of my best friends was addicted to those books! So I definitely need to try them out. Have a great weekend! New follower ;)

    My FF

  3. Good choice! I love fantasy too. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hey Ang,
    I love fantasy also (not as much as urban fantasy, but it's a great pick!) You seem to have a lot of great books to choose from up there :) Thanks for dropping by and I wish a fantastic weekend of reading bliss!!! (full-on cheesy I know, but I mean it :p)
    Ninja Girl

  5. Ha ha, the Killer Unicorn books sound great! I think I'd have to go for fantasy as my chosen genre but I like so many different kinds of genres it's hard...too hard.

  6. Old follower hopping through to high five you for your fantastical Alanna choice! Yay!!

    Check out my FF!

  7. Yay! Tamora Pierce fans unite ^.^

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Following you now~~

    Sniffly Kitty

  8. Nice cache there!!

    New follower! Happy reading, friend!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  9. New follower here! Fantasy is an excellent choice. You can't go wrong with some escapism to a fantastical world. :) Have a great weekend.

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter>

  10. Hi there, new follower here from the hop! Love your blog! :o)

    Fantasy is one of my favorites too!

  11. Hopping through, following back. I love the escape into fantasy, it's good to leave your life behind for a few minutes. Books rock!

  12. I'm finding it way to hard choosing with these genre questions, since I'm a real mix-er. Had to go with two. ;)

    New follower!
    My FF can be found here!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  13. Wow! Thank you all so much for stopping by and for all the follows!

    @Kat - I just finished Rampant and LOVED it! I am actually planning on re-reading the Abhorsen Trilogy sometime this year :D

    @Loren - Must read Rampant! It was so good! This was actually my first Dessen too and it was pretty good.

    @Maria- Fantasy is the best! Thank you!

    @NinjaGirl - I really need to see what this Urban Fantasy thing is all about! Thank you!

    @Jenny - The Killer Unicorn books are great! They must have taken a lot of creativity to break away from the rainbows and glitter image!

    @Beth- Fives back! Alanna is the best!

    @Sniffly Kitty - She definitely has a lot of fans out there!

    @Nikki - Thank you, they are turning out to be great!

    @Marla - You really can't beat the fantasy world, so much better after a rough day at work!

    @Amy - Thank you so much!

    @Amy (M&M) - Books definitely rock! I tend to loose track of time so it usually ends up being hours instead of minutes ;)

    @Bex - I agree, it is hard to nail down your one favorite genre!

    Thank you all again for stopping by and following <3
