
Friday, June 28, 2019

Early Reader Bedtime Story: The Bike Lesson by Stan & Jan Berenstain

Read for: Early Reader Challenge

Synopsis: " Small Bear has a new bike, but before he can ride it, his dad insists on a teaching him about bike safety. From learning how to stop and turn to going down a hill and traveling roads you know, Small Bear has a lot to learn. And Father Bear has an unforgettable way of showing his son all the tricks of biking. The second in the beloved Berenstain Bears series, The Bike Lesson is the Tour de France of funny tales for early readers."

My Review: Munchkin has been learning to ride his bike this past couple of weeks so I thought this would be a fun book to pick up from the library. This was interesting because it was clearly an early Berenstain Bears book, with an older illustration style and only Brother Bear and the writing was very simple compared to other books in the series. It was actually easier for Munchkin to read and it had a little rhythm to it as well. It was definitely full of lessons on what not to do while riding a bike and Munchkin pointed out how they weren't wearing helmets. It was a fun book to read while connecting it to real life.

My Rating: This was a fun and silly book, I think I like this older style of illustrations and story over the newer ones.  We give it a rating of Three Paws.

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. I love these old Berenstein Bear books. My girls like the one where Papa hunts for honey.
