
Monday, November 22, 2021

September & October Wrap Up/ November TBR

 So, it has been a while huh?! This is the longest I have ever gone in the last 11 years of blogging without posting.  I swear I have an excuse but in reality blogging has just been taking a back seat to the rest of what is going on in my life and I might be okay with that.  I do have a question for you all though, I am very seriously considering not having my Advent Reads event. I usually post about a holiday themed book every day in December but I am debating letting that commitment go and only posting a couple of times a week.  Please let me know if you want me to keep Advent Reads a thing, it is very doable but I just need to know if I need to start scheduling posts now or if I can scatter them a bit more.  Anyway, I am getting a bit ahead of myself and need to start back with wrapping up the past 2 months.

We will start with my main challenge this year . . .

TBR Books Read:
I have been doing a pretty darn good job on balancing my reads and making sure I get in some of those old TBR books. In the past 2 months I have read a total of 7 books and DNFed/unhauled another couple! It has actually been really nice to see progress on my TBR list and I am really looking forward to seeing the number that it has dropped at the end of the year!

I DNFed & Unhauled at least these and a few more I forgot to note:

2021 Books added to TBR & Read:
I still haven't gotten to the point where I read every book as it comes in but I did manage to read a good chunk of the new books I have picked up throughout the year.  I read 11 of the new additions to my TBR so again, super happy with the balance of my reading.



Other Recent Additions:
I did end up picking up 13 new books in the past month but am kind of pleased that I only have these 5 still to read and I have plans to read 3 of them this month. So while I am not quite evening out reading books as they come in, I feel like I am still in the negative balance with my TBR.

In other reading I am tracking this year, I read . . .

Re-Reads: - COMPETE-
Goal: Re-read 15 books
I have continued really enjoying re-reading old favorites and diving back into worlds I loved years ago. I will definitely be continuing to re-read more often!

Borrowed Books:
Goal: Borrow 30 books
27. Guest

Books Over 500 Pages: - COMPLETE-
Goal: 10 books
Thanks to Tome Topple I managed to squeeze in a bunch more chunky books. I still have a couple more I would like to get in this year but honestly if it doesn't happen, I am super happy with this number.
11. From Blood & Ash (613)
13. Midnight Sun (658)

Requested Reviews: 
 Reading Stats:
I read a total of 30 books these past 2 months.

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read that TBR: Not quite 10 books off my TBR this time around according to this but I know I pulled a couple others off my TBR shelves to donate. - CHECK
2. Re-Read More: I am absolutely loving re-reading books lately and I feel like it has also distracted me from all the beautiful new books out so win-win! - CHECK
3. Purchase Less & Read More: So I still have more books coming in than I would like but over all I think I am still reading more books than I am purchasing so again happy with that - CHECK
4. Keep Trying New Genres/Authors: I haven't been venturing out as much as I would like but I have definitely tried a few new to me authors and a couple of genres I don't read much of so am again happy with this progress. - CHECK


November TBR
So I am super late getting this up and I have already read many of the books on my TBR but I am going to list them anyway . . .

For TBR books: 
Dear Santa *read

From the Library:

For Re-Reads:
Two Towers *read

Recent Additions:
Her Christmas Gift *currently reading
The Christmas Sweater * currently reading

Local Star *Currently reading
An Eggnog to Die For *currently reading

So that is definitely a super ambitious TBR for a busy November but luckily I am already more than half way through the books. Unfortunately now I need to get to reviewing a bunch. I have a bunch of reviews that I need to get up and I am still debating whether to do my Advent Reads this year, I kind of want to keep the tradition going but I just don't think I will have the time to get all those reviews done and posted, let alone all the reading! So please give me your opinions, if anyone even still reads these posts.