
Friday, January 24, 2014

Bedtime Story: Inside Outside Upside Down by Stan & Jan Berenstain

Synopsis: "Illus. in full color. A bear explores a carton on a truck and gets carried away. By the time he has returned, the reader will be exposed to the concepts of "inside, outside, upside down."

My Review: Berenstein Bears were a staple in our house when I was growing up and have been looking forward to sharing the messages and morals with Munchkin. This wasn't quiet the same as the books I remember that had an actual story. This was more of a simple teaching book with a little rhyming. It is definitely one for younger kids and is short enough for those little attention spans. It might be fun to act out parts of the book in a box of their own too.
My Rating: It was an okay book for us and hopefully as we can act some of it out with a big box Munchkin might enjoy it more. I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

After Dark Review of This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store by AK Turner

Synopsis: "This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store chronicles what happens when a little girl who scorns the idea of marriage and children (in favor of becoming a stiletto-wearing, attache-carrying Secret Agent), majors in Russian, minors in Vodka, and then one day finds herself with child … and in-laws."

My Review: This was the best book I have read/listened to in a long time. I was laughing so hard I was in tears for most of the book. I can totally sympathize with a lot of the book, especially the "Night Fury". If you want a funny realistic view point of motherhood this is the book for you. Granted it might not be for everyone as there are frequent uses of cuss words and many mentions of vodka and other beverages. This was definitely the book for me as I forge ahead through teething, ear infections, sleepless nights and terrible twos. I had the Kindle version but am so glad I decided to go with the Audio format instead. It was narrated by the author which added just that next layer of humor.
My Rating: I really, really loved this book. It may not be as funny if you hadn't experienced several of the events yourself but it sure spoke to me. I actually want to listen to it all over again! I give it a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!
Note: This review is an After Dark review due to language and some adult content.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Review of Shadow by Amanda Sun

Synopsis: "Meet two teens whose worlds are about to change forever in this paranormal Young Adult novella, a prequel to Ink by debut author Amanda Sun…

Katie Greene’s worst nightmare comes true when her mother dies, and she’s devastated to learn that she will have to leave the only home she’s ever known. Desperate to find where she belongs, she must decide if she has what it takes to start a new life across the ocean.

For Yuu Tomohiro, every day is a nightmare. He struggles to control his strange ability, and keeps everyone at a distance so they won’t get hurt—even his girlfriend, Myu. At night, a shadow haunts his dreams, and a mysterious woman torments him with omens of death and destruction. But these haunting premonitions are only the beginning…"

My Review: I had a pretty difficult time with this novella. I am not sure if I should have read this after Ink instead of before because I was terribly confused. I am not familiar with a lot of the Japanese culture and terms that were used, granted there was a dictionary at the end but those are always hard to use with an ebook. I already own Ink so I will read that one and give this another chance because it sounds like a very interesting concept but I have a feeling this will be one series I set aside in the future.
My Rating: Unfortunately this wasn't a good kick off to the series for me but I will try to read the first official book and hopefully it will all become more clear. I give it a rating of One Paw and a Stump Wag.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bloggiesta Sign up and To Do List

It is time for a mini Bloggiesta!
I have been in desperate need of this push to get the not so fun parts of blogging done, like updating the review archives, YUCK!  I have quite a to do list but know I will have limited time this weekend, but hope to at least get a thing or two done.
To Do List:
1. Write a review request policy.  I have been getting countless review requests in my email and I have a hard time turning them down since I don't have a policy.
2. Check out other bloggers Archives and compare the order (I can't decide if it should be alphabetical by author or title or maybe by genre, GAH I am so confused).
3. Update my Archive List. UGH how I dread this job, I don't think I have updated it in almost 2 years!
4. Review my sidebars and update as needed.
5. Set up a Facebook account for the blog (someday I will get around to this).
6. Consider and/or design business cards. I am considering getting these for the upcoming Big Book Club Getaway to had to authors, but not sure this is proper etiquette or if it would be offensive.
7. Weed through Goodreads shelves for duplicates and books I no longer wish to read.
So there you have it my big to do list for a mini Bloggiesta!  I hope to be able to join a chat but with a sick Munchkin and Hubby being at home chances are I won't be able to get on.
I hope you will also join in - Bloggiesta Page

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Reading List

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling
One Big Beautiful Thing by Marie Flanigan
The Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber
Clifford's Bedtime by Norman Bridewell (Bedtime Story)
Joe the Barbarian by Grant Morrison (Graphic Novel)

Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

If you Hold a Seed
Inn at Rose Harbor
Table for Two
One Fish, Two Fish, Three, Four, Five
Storybook Love
This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store
The Gnosis of Salmon

Currently Reading:

Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood by Jim & Charles Fay - Kindle - 13%

 Books to be Read Soon:
Water Harvest by Eric Diehl (Requested Review)
One Shark, No Swim by Lehua Parker (Requested Review)
Knightmare by Deborah Valentine (Requested Review)
The Lover from Hell by Rob Palmer (Requested Review)
The Owl Keeper by Christine Brodein-Jones (Mount TBR)
Stone Cold Revenge by Jess Macallan (Mount TBR)


Definitely on a reading high lately, getting a lot of books read and really enjoying the ones I am coming across for the most part.

I don't think I have shared the exciting bookish news I have with you yet! A good friend of mine are going away in February for the Big Book Club Getaway! So many great authors are going to be there and we are both insanely excited for this event! I will try to take pictures as much as I can so when I come back I will have loads of things to show and tell you all!
For my nails this week I painted them a really dark blue called Stormy Seas and then put on snowflake decals since it is supposed to snow this week.

Hope you all have a great fun filled week!