
Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Reading List & Meet Me on Monday

Its Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Shelia at Book Journey. Share what books you have finished in the last week, are currently reading and what might be coming up next!

What I Read Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

In Camelot's Shadow by Sarah Zettel (review coming soon)

Currently Reading:
Frost Kisses by Kailin Gow - pb - on page 45 of 284

Next Books to be Read:

Catundra by Stephen Cosgrove - Childrens/Bedtime stories
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden - May Book Club
For Camelot's Honor by Sarah Zettel - Arthurian Legend Challenge
Liberty: A Lake Wobegon Novel by Garrison Keller- Mount TBR Challenge
Meet Me on Monday
So I found this fun little meme I thought would be great to add so people get to know me a little better (and discover my strange little quirks). Meet Me On Monday is hosted by Acting Balanced where 5 questions are posted each week for us to answer about ourselves and share with all of our readers.

Acting Balanced
And now for this weeks Questions:

1. Finish this sentence - I dream of....  
                                  Hmmm, I dream of a lot of things, mostly very odd dreams. Last night I had a dream that I put away my snow boots and brush  and the next day it snowed three feet! Needless to say I won't be packing away any winter supplies just yet LOL!

2. If you could choose your last meal, what would it be?
                                 I have to say that I don't think the meal would matter that much to me, I would probably rather not know it was my last meal, but if I did, I wouldn't care what I ate but more of who was my company while eating. I would like to have all my loved ones around me.

3. What was your favorite toy as a child?
                                Definitely My Little Ponies, especially Baby Crumpet (who has moved with me every time, even to college).  I also loved books and coloring books and would have picnics with my stuffed animals. I was pretty easy to please as a kid, even an cardboard box would give me at least a weeks worth of fun!

4. What color looks best on you?
                         Shades of purple seem to get me the most compliments since it brings out my green eyes more, but most of my closet is filled with black clothes. I recently invested in some great new brightly colored clothes for the summer though!

Question 5 is for all of you to answer . . .
5. What would your perfect day be weather wise? Are you a Summer or Winter person?
So needless to say I didn't get the Bedtime stories going again. My awesome Hubby took Friday off work so we could actually spend some time together (I work days & he works nights so we only see each other on the weekends, but that is usually filled with errands, friends and family). 
We finally got primer up in the bathroom, so hurray for making some progress on that package! Probably only another 2 weeks till I have my bathroom back, and it sounds like we might be able to finish the electrical work this coming weekend.  Extra bonus we found an awesome bedroom set on craigslist!! You have no idea how excited I am to have real furniture, I have been using the same Rubbermaid plastic drawers for my clothes since junior high!!
I also managed to get a few pony/art projects done this weekend and should have more done later this week.  Maybe I will have to do another little art post to show you some of them :D
So much going on and not much time for reading unfortunately, not to mention the fact that all of my books are in piles on the guest room floor waiting to be moved to the basement.
I hope you all have a fantastic week!!


  1. Ah, the old cardboard box, best toy ever! I have a bloack against colorful clothes and inevitably end up in gray or black.

    Sounds like things are going crazy for you. Good luck getting the bathroom done and congrats on the bedroom set!

    1. I seem to still grab at least one black clothing item even with all the new brightly colored clothes.

  2. Yay for progress! Glad things are coming along well and you've been able to get some ponies done. Can't wait to see them.

    As for question #5, I'm more of a summer person than winter. Autumn is my favorite time of year though. The weather is most tolerable for me, not too hot and not too cold. Plus I love the changing of the leaves. :) Usually mid-October is my favorite specific time.

    1. You know I was never really an autumn person until I moved to RI and now we actually get a gentle weather change with leaves and everything! I still have to say though late summer is still my favorite, like the end of August early September when its still warm enough to wear a longsleeve shirt at night.

  3. I just started reading Collateral Damage by Austin Camacho this weekend. I was three chapters in and had a little time before dinner at my Dad’s yesterday. Well, I hit a wrong button on my e-reader and deleted my book! I had it on my hard drive at home, but I wasn’t going to do anymore reading before dinner! LOL

    My perfect weather day is sunny but not too humid and in the low to mid 80s. I am a total summer girl. Given the choice I’d rather have a few days in the 90’s or even 100s than even a little below freezing in the winter!

    1. Oh No Nani! I hate when I do something like that, or I grab my Nook to take somewhere only to realize the battery is dead.

      Haha, I would definitely take hot over cold any day. I hate being cold in winter!
