
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ahhh that felt good!

It felt so good to sit down and just read a book straight through and enjoy every moment of it!

Blood of the MapleBlood of the Maple by Dana Marie Bell

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a one day read, I could not put it down! I thought Dana Marie Bell's Grey Court series was my favorite but this book changed that! I loved Blood of the Maple. The characters were so unique and fun, a vegetarian vampire, a creepy stalker witch turned plant, a dryad thats more than a dryad, a witch turned ghost, I could go on and on. I really loved the sense of humor behind the characters and the book, that under tone of sarcasm made me keep reading just to see what would pop out of their mouths next!

My favorite quote (that made me laugh out loud at work and have to come up with a quick excuse why) - "Your giving me the choice? I thought macho men made all the safety decisions when it came to the womenfolk. You know, grunt, grunt. Get in house Wo-man. Followed by the inevitable beating of hairy chests."

Have you had your giggle yet today?!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Already?!

Not only is it April already but its also nearly half way through April! What on earth have I been doing?! Well I have been finishing some projects up (art commissions and trades) and getting ready for the craziness of the next couple of months with all the weddings coming up. I have been reading slowly, but have finally added another book to my list of completed reads!

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wow that took forever! This was an interesting book that was suggested by a good friend of mine a while ago, but then I found out about the TV series so I had to at least finish the first book before it started. I think this book was full of fantastic ideas but for some reason it was really hard to get into. I don't know if it was the way the chapters were laid out by character and in random order, or if it was the characters themselves that I couldn't get into, or if it was that there were so many different story lines moving. I did enjoy it and am still looking forward to seeing the TV series and reading the next books but I just need a break from it for a couple of weeks.

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I am definately taking a short break from this series after that book! I am currently reading Strange Candy by Laurell Hamilton and since the next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood came out I thought I would read that too! Neither should take too long. I figure that during the chaos of the wedding season it would be good to read simple children and middle reader books.

Hope you are all gearing up for your outdoor summer reading!!