
Friday, October 15, 2010

Grinning from Ear to Ear

I just finished re-reading the two books by Kristin Cashore and I just can't stop grinning! This is the second time in less than a year that I have read these books (I almost never do that unless another book in a series is released and I need to refresh) and honestly I already can't wait to read them again!

I read Graceling first this time (in the order they were actually released) and I was instantly absorbed into the world of Katsa, Po, and numerous other excellent characters.  It started another sleepless week where I would hear my hubby come home and quickly shut the reading light off and slip the book to the floor and pretend to be asleep (not that he gets mad just knows that I need to sleep at some point and it drives him nuts that I never want to put the book down).  I again found myself crying or angry along with the characters (watch out hubby) and even felt the chill of the winter air (probably due to not turning the heat on in the house). I have to say in Graceling my favorite character was Po with his secrets and love for family.  I do love Katsa as well but her ways of thinking and power was just more than I could imagine for myself.  It was difficult to drag myself away from their world to work.

I just only a short time ago finished re-reading Fire which is definitely my favorite of the two. I adore the characters and the land with the monsters and power.  Again, I was smiling, crying and feeling a sense of loss right along with Fire. I am left with such a feeling of joy at the end of this book I almost can't wait to go home and hug my hubby.  I think the complexity of the characters in this book were much more appealing to me, not sure if it was that I could connect more with their quirks or what, either way I am madly in love with each and every one of them.

Now sadly I am stuck back in the real world where we don't get to ride horses everywhere or have unusual but dangerous monsters or mind readers/controllers.  At least I get to head to the Boston Book Festival tomorrow and hear the amazing author of these two books, Kristin Cashore, talk about her books and writing process and hopefully get to shake her hand and thank her for bringing such a joy to my life (and possibly have her sign Fire for me)!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and find some world to get lost in as well!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I want to do that

So after following a few readers during the Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon I want to participate next time around.  I believe the next one will be in April and I can't wait! I love reading for hours on end, and think I might just be able to pull of at least 18 to 20 hours.  The hardest part will be getting up at the start time!

So that is my first I want to do that of the day. 

The second is the Boston Book Festival! I have been looking at the site for a couple of weeks now after discovering it.  I knew I could never convince my husband to go; however, we do a NFL pool picks every week and instead of cash going into the pot, the winner gets to pick something he or she wants the other to do.  So guess who won this week . . . that's right ME!! So I get to go to the festival! I am so so excited that I will be able to join other book lovers and authors to celebrate our love of books. 

On top of just going to the festival, I already have made plans to attend a talk that includes one of my favorite young adult fantasy authors Kristin Cashore! I am going to re-read both her books, Graceling & Fire this week and hopefully I will get to the chance to have her sign one or both of them!

It has been a very exciting weekend, so much so that I forgot to start putting together my list of top ten YA books.  I am sure this is going to be a very difficult list to put together!